Boy this year has gone by FAST! I can't believe that it's November already!! Where did the time go??? For us it's been a year of adjusting to being parents after 13 years of it being "just us." Having no one else to worry about is now a thing of the past and honestly, that is A-OK.
Besides parenthood we have had other great changes in our lives. In August Sam was approached by a floor manager at Scheels to become the Bike & Bike Assecorries Sales Manager. (He's been working there part-time for about 5 years in the Service Shop.) At first he wasn't interested but they kept persuing him and showed hime a "pay proposal" that was too good to pass up. So after 16+ years at Ritz, he gave his notice and now is working at Scheels.
Besides the benefits, the BEST part of this job change is that Sam will be working 40 hours a week, even during the holiday season! If he does work over 40, then he'll get paid overtime! So no more working 50-60 hours a week. His schedule requires him to work 2 days, 2 night and every other weekend. His permananet day off is Mondays. So every other weekend he'll have a 3 day weekend!!
For us, this is HUGE!! As Sam's schedule at Ritz didn't allow him to spend much time at home and we only had Sunday's as a family. Another perk in taking the Scheels job.
With Scheels his schedule is pretty much set, so we are able to make plans which is something we've not been able to do before. Our plans before were usually very last minute unless we were planning a vacation to Ohio. So we are looking forward to being able to plan more activities, like camping and weekend trips which is something we've not had the luxery of doing with Ritz.
The most exciting news is that Sam has his schedule through the New Year and he has Thanksgiving weekend off (he does work Black Friday but it's 10-7 - which is not bad at all) and he has Christmas Eve and day after Christmas off! Those are his weekends off and plus they rotate holidays - one year he will work 3 of them and have 2 of them off and then the next year he'll work 2 of them and have 3 off. I never in my wildest dreams ever thought Sam would be off during that time of the year!!
I have always LOVED the holidays. I have such GREAT childhood memories and just love what the season brings. But this year we are even more excited - I cannot put into words how excited we are!! With our precious Tia home, we are besides ourselves with giddy!! We are super excited to put up our tree and the 3 of us decorating it and putting presents under it (which I have some bought and some wrapped). We can't wait to see her face when the tree is all decorated and lit up. All the lights off expect for the glow of the Christmas tree. And I can't wait to watch all my favorite Christmas movies with Tia - A Christmas Story, Home Alone, Home Alone - Lost in New York, The Santa Clause movies with Tim Allen and of course all the cartoons like Frosty the Snow Man and Grinch That Stole Christmas just to name a few!
These are dreams coming true for us. After 10 years of trying and waiting to have a family, we finally have that! We are truely happy! Tia brings us such joy and love that we didn't ever realize we would ever experience.
As Thanksgiving nears, I think about my father who has passed. My father has been gone for almost 20 years and even though the pain is lessened, the sadness never goes away. And now that we have Tia, I even more sad that I cannot see that interaction as my father would of been the ultimate grandpa!
With that said, I look at my life and I have the GREATEST husband who is not only the LOVE OF MY LIFE, but MY SOUL MATE & BEST FRIEND. I have the MOST BEAUTIFUL & SPICY daughter. I have a nice home, a job that I sill really enjoy after 8 years and decent vehicles. I have my health and am able to pay my bills. I have my WONDERFUL & LOVING family and friends who keep me sane when the world seems like too much to bare. For all of those things and many, many more I give thanks to God and I am truly THANKFUL!!