Sunday, December 5, 2010

Packing - what a nightmare I'm making it!

So today I thought I would start working on packing Tia's suitcase.  WOW!  I always knew that I make things complicated, but this is an all new time high!  Diaper bag? No diaper bag?  How many bottles?  I was thinking 6.  Will that be too many or not enough?  Clothes.  That is another nightmare in it's self.  Guangzhou is more "tropicle" with the average tempature of 58 degrees.  Should I pack all winter type clothes or will short sleeves be ok too?  Should I take a winter coat or heavy jacket?  Oh I don't know.......

1 comment:

  1. packing our suitcase for a 12-23 departure. found a few really cool packing lists online. going with one bottle, two nipples, 10 diapers, 2 p.j., 4 outfits(these will be layers for different temps), one shoe, one jacket, lotion and baby bath soap, my backpack will double as diaper bag, a pack of wipes, 3 pair socks, and a 3-4 toys, small amount of formula and thermos for hot water for her when we are out. hope it helps. are gonna want to SHOP while there. leave room :-)
